
Customer Testimonials

Madison location

“I have would definitely recommend Tom. He knows his stuff, and is a good teacher. He helped me work out some bugs with my set-up, and helped troubleshoot some issues.”

Dave – Residential Client

“One of the things I really like is he will customize your time however you’d like to spend it. I would keep a notepad of questions and we would go through each item. His knowledge is strong enough that I didn’t even have to prep him on the questions I had beforehand.”

Amanda – Small Business Owner

“Tom is always reliable and punctual. There are no worries on whether he will be late or not show. I would highly recommend.”

Stephen – Residential Client

“I have been using Tom for my customer correspondence for years and have been more than satisfied. Thanks Tom!”

Kurt Soens – Smoke Stacks, Inc.

“Tom is able to understand a client’s needs and respond in a timely way. I have been very pleased with his work.”

John G. – Home Examiner, Inc. (HomEx)

“Tom has been a lifesaver in troubleshooting problems and providing guidance regarding user-friendly software. I would recommend his services to PC and Mac users!”

Julie Arnstein – Mister Fix-It, Inc.

“Tom did a fantastic job on a very complicated and large project. He worked well under pressure and under a tight deadline, problem solving to produce beautiful graphs for a technical book. I appreciated his attention to detail and perseverance and would gladly work with him on any project.”

Kara Mannix – Competitor Group, Inc.

“Great logo, fast turnaround, and excellent communication during the design process. It was a pleasure working with Tom.”

Craig Williams – Let’s Share the Berry

“Tom is great! He is fast and effective. I had tons of questions and he was an excellent listener. He answered all of my questions and helped me better understand what my website can do and should do. Once I decided what changes I wanted to make, he made the changes quickly. Thank you for your work. Our website has never looked better.”

Linda Kraus – Prairie Land Insurance Agency

“We had a domain and website up and running in no time!”

Cory Moore – Wesley Matthews Skills Academy